The Tree Diversity Network

TreeDivNet is the largest network of tree biodiversity experiments worldwide.


In total, over 1.2 million trees were planted in the 32 experiments on a total surface of 859 ha.

Click on the individual experiments on the map1 below and find more information on the design, species composition, and objectives of each experiment.

Application trials

An additional 67,726 trees were planted in 6 application trials on a total surface of 76.7 ha. These are managed at an operational scale for the forestry industry and provide added value for the knowledge transfer towards forest policy and management.

Further reading

TreeDivNet provides a unique platform for research on the relation between tree species diversity and ecosystem functioning in major forest types around the world. For a detailed introduction to the network, read:

A complete list of TreeDivNet publications can be found here.

Contact the TreeDivNet with any questions for collaborative research here.


  1. We use Open Street Maps as an illustrative background, without guaranteeing the precision of the geographical data or boundaries shown.↩︎