Multidisciplinary and multifunctional research

The TreeDivNet network provides a platform for multidisciplinary and multifunctional research in specific studies as well as synthesis studies across the globe. It also builts up expertise on experiment set-up and maintenance. The network offers unique opportunities for:

  • research on the relation between tree species diversity and ecosystem functioning in major forest types around the world
  • co-ordinated knowledge transfer towards forest policy and management.

The experiments form the base of the network.

To meet the system boundaries of TreeDivNet, experiments should:
  • be a priori designed as true diversity experiments
  • allow separating between diversity and identity effects
  • manipulate woody plant diversity and have a sufficiently long diversity gradient
  • be conducted in the field (no pot experiments)
  • account for confounding factors
  • assess multiple functions

The experiments are complemented by application trials. These are managed at an operational scale for the forestry industry and provide added value for the knowledge transfer towards forest policy and management.

To meet the system boundaries of TreeDivNet, application trials should:
  • have tree species diversity as a main focus
  • be designed with and for the stakeholders and the forest managers
  • have a clear link with a TreeDivNet experiment (e.g. managed by the same people and using a subset of the species and similar site conditions as the linked TreeDivNet experiment) (optional)

TreeDivNet’s vision towards 2030

TreeDivNet envisions a world where the potential of mixed forests is harnessed as one of the solutions for the challenges of our changing planet. As the foremost global knowledge hub in the area of ecology and management of mixed forests, TreeDivNet is dedicated to facilitating the diversification of the world’s planted forests.

Harmonized datasets across the globally distributed network of experiments will enable our researchers to identify the core mechanisms driving the fascinating interplay between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Unraveling the interactions among trees and with the entire food web in mixed forests is at the heart of TreeDivNet’s mission.

TreeDivNet is broadening its knowledge-gathering horizon by actively enlarging its geographic scope, providing evidence over a balanced representation of the world’s biomes and a wider range of arboreal systems, like agroforestry systems and food forests, and by collaborating with experts in related fields, such as soil biology or remote sensing to further promote a dynamic research environment that values different perspectives.

TreeDivNet recognizes the need for nurturing the next generation of researchers, and to this end will continue to actively support student exchange programs, cross-site research, workshops, and training for students, doctoral researchers, and postdocs, while providing concrete opportunities for early career researchers.

While treasuring its grassroots origins, TreeDivNet has grown into a large, fast-growing, and vibrant network, and it is now time to move to a formal association to manage the network in a future-proof way. This step will also facilitate communication to a broader audience on the importance of biodiversity for ecosystem functioning. As an association, TreeDivNet will organize transdisciplinary ‘living labs’ that unite scientists, public and private practitioners, and policymakers, and will serve as a catalyst to accelerate the implementation of real-world applications of mixed forests with innovative tree compositions.