Guangxi Pingxiang BEF

The experiment was established in Pingxiang, Guangxi, China, in 2015. The main objective is the selection of tree species composition patterns to enhance forest productivity, ecosystem carbon stock and stability, biodiversity, and soil nutrient retention, as well as to understand the mechanisms involved in these processes.

Aerial view of the site


The experiment includes 5 tree species and consists of 4 random blocks, each with 12 treatments and each treatment has 4 replicates. Tree species richness levels are 0, 1, 2, and 4. There are five types of monoculture, four types of 2-species mixture, and two types of 4-species, and additional 4 plots without plantings and natural restoration. The species are mixed by rows.

Schematic overview of the experimental design

Site characteristics

Guangxi Pingxiang BEF
Country China
Biome transition subtropical to tropical
Latitude 22.12
Longitude 106.75
Soil type Ferralsol
Former land use Clear-cut of planted Pinus massoniana forest
Altitude 350 m
Design stem-wise randomisation
Plot shape square
Plot size (m^2) 400 m²
Plant distance (m) 2
Diversity variables species richness
Diversity gradient 0, 1, 2, 4 tree sp.
Size species pool 5
Species pool Pinus massoniana
Castanopsis hystrix
Erythrophleum fordii
Mytilaria laosensis
Dalbergia odorifera
Contact person Hui wang


The experiment aims to:

1. Clarify the mechanisms by which tree species diversity and stand structure affect carbon storage and its composition in forest ecosystems.

2. Investigate the relationship between aboveground and belowground carbon storage in forest ecosystems and its driving mechanisms.

3. Unveil the dominant mechanisms behind carbon sequestration enhancement and the trade-offs and synergies of multiple functions in forest ecosystems.

The site before planting (2014)

The experimental site in 2020

The experimental site in 2024

Extra information

Send an e-mail to the contact person, or explore the publications that utilized data from this experiment.

Research papers

  • Li JF, Wang H, You YM, Wang J, Tong XL, Hu JJ, Ming AG, Chen L, Liu SR 2024 Effects of tree species assembly on bioavailable P components in rhizosphere soil of southern subtropical plantation. Ying yong sheng tai xue bao= The journal of applied ecology 35(6):1492-500.
  • Ye Y, Wang H, Luan J, Ma J, Ming A, Niu B, Liu C, Freedman Z, Wang J, Liu S 2023 Nitrogen-fixing tree species modulate species richness effects on soil aggregate-associated organic carbon fractions. Forest Ecology and Management 546:121315.
  • Ma J, Luan J, Wang H, Wu P, Ye X, Wang Y, Ming A, Liu S 2023 Nitrogen-fixing tree species rather than tree species diversity shape soil nematode communities in subtropical plantations. Geoderma 436:116561.
  • Hu JJ, Wang H, Liu SR, Wang J, Song ZC, Li ZY, Ming AG, Chen H 2022 Effects of tree species identity and diversity on young tree growth in a south subtropical plantation. Ying Yong Sheng tai xue bao= The Journal of Applied Ecology 33(6):1511-7.
  • Ye X, Luan J, Wang H, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Ma J, Liu S 2022 Tree species richness and N-fixing tree species enhance the chemical stability of soil organic carbon in subtropical plantations. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 174:108828.